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Mandisa Magwaxaza

Kick off your weekends with Mandisa, live every Friday and Saturday from 10 pm to 2 am.

In the Saturday 10: 00 pm to 02:00 am slot, you’ll find Mandisa Magwaxaza behind the mic.

She grew up in the city and went to Sunridge Primary and St James in Schauderville before moving to Makhanda to study at Rhodes University.

Mandisa describes herself as “a travel enthusiast with a passion for the Eastern Cape, who loves connecting with its people”.

This is the reason she loves Algoa FM and why she joined the team.

Off-air, Mandisa is the founder and owner of Molo Mhambi Relations, a communications agency representing African-owned tourism businesses.

She is the winner of the 2022 Nelson Mandela Bay Business Events awards, Vice Chairperson of the Southern African Tourism Services Association, and describes herself as an “activist for inclusive growth and transformation in the South African tourism industry”.