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How to remain productive while working remotely


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This article was written by Bona staff writer.

Working from home full-time is fun until life gets a tad tough, and the idea of relaxing becomes far more appealing than working. Staying productive when working remotely can be challenging but not impossible. With these tips, you can have a healthy work-life balance. 

Establish a routine 

Having a set routine is the most important aspect of WFH. Aim to structure your day around what works for you and your job. Try to start each workday at the same time – just like you would if you worked in an office. 

Having a set morning routine can help signal to your brain that it’s time to shift into work mode. 

Have a dedicated workspace 

Working remotely often invokes the romanticised idea of working from your couch and in your PJs all day. But this won’t work long term and you need to have a designated workspace, away from your living area and room. 

Sometimes it’s not completely possible – but you can get around this by only sitting at your desk or in your dining room when it’s time to work. Also, placing all your work tools in that area, without moving to the couch and working, will do wonders for minimising distractions and working efficiently. 

Dress for success 

While you might have a dedicated workspace, the idea of not doing your makeup or staying in your comfy clothes does sound amazing. I have spent many a Monday in my PJs while working away – but, in the long run, not getting dressed can affect your productivity. 

Like your morning routine, getting dressed into something a little more work-appropriate can help push your brain into work mode. And, dressing professionally can boost your confidence. 

Set clear goals and prioritize tasks 

As you would if you worked in an office, you must start your workday with a set of tasks and goals. This helps you identify which tasks are critical and break down your workload. You can also use that to identify when you can take breaks and if you can squeeze in any personal tasks throughout your day. 

Take regular breaks 

Speaking of breaks, take them. And take them regularly. Breaks help you recharge and prevent burnout.  Slot short breaks between your tasks to stretch, drink some water, or step outside for some fresh air. 

Minimise distractions 

Identify potential distractions in your environment and take steps to minimize them. This may involve turning off notifications on your phone, closing unnecessary browser tabs, or using noise-cancelling headphones to block out background noise.


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Stay connected with colleagues 

A key factor in staying productive when working from home is staying in touch with your colleagues. Not only does this allow you to have some form of human connection, but it also fosters good collaboration between you and your team. 

Practice self-care 

Finally, don’t forget to prioritise self-care and well-being. Make time for activities that help you relax and recharge outside of your working hours. Whether it’s exercising, practicing mindfulness, or pursuing hobbies, taking care of your mental and physical health is essential for long-term productivity and success. 

On top of that, setting boundaries is self-care. Just because you work from home does not mean you’re available 24/7. Staying productive in the long-term means working your hours and setting aside time for yourself. 

This article first appeared on Bona.