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Export ban of SA avocados to Japan lifted

The Department of Agriculture says the ban on the export of Hass avocados from South Africa to Japan has been lifted.

Both countries approved a work plan when the ban was lifted at the end of November last year, which aims at ensuring the proper implementation of the export protocols.

Spokesperson for the Department of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) Reggie Ngcobo says South Africa is one of the world’s biggest producers of avocados and ranks amongst the top exporters of this important fruit.

He says DALRRD will approve and register all places of production and packing houses and designate all facilities by the approved work plan.

Growers of registered orchards must implement good agricultural practices that include orchard sanitation and an effective integrated pest management system as this will ensure that avocados
are produced in areas free from quarantine pests of concern to South Africa.

SA Avo's

Most exports are by sea in refrigerated containers.

The estimated three-year average annual production in South Africa is 139 400 tons.

Fresh avos (45%) are exported mainly to Europe and the UK.

SA market plays a significant role as demand has grown considerably.

During peak periods approximately 23 000 casual labourers are employed.